Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Moving blues

I have moved! I know, many of you might not understand why that statement seems so happy when you read the title, but let me explain. Moving stinks. Yes, really. The people who were renting this place before us had never heard of the cleaning aisle in Walmart, mold and mildew were normal bathroom companions for them, and landscaping is something that only people on tv do. I not only have had to move in and unpack but I have gone through three bottles of cleaning solutions, two cans of dust spray, countless washcloths, more weed eater string than humanly possible, and have emptied my vaccume numerous times. The bonus of all this - I AM IN A LARGER, CLEANER, SAFER HOME WITH A FENCED IN BACK YARD JUST EIGHT BLOCKS FROM THE LAKE AND DOWNTOWN!!! That alone is enough to make me happy. My husband is happy that I am happy and my kids love their yard and new neighbors (there is a little boy Nick's age next door). My dogs are happy because they can run around a yard again without being chained up and my cats are happy that they have a basement to slink off to when they are feeling anti-social. All in all, life is turning up. I got a new job and I am so happy with that! I will be able to work a flexible schedule and get some great experience and maybe some help finishing my BSN in the future. I honestly feel that working makes me a better mommy. Some might be confused, so let me explain. Spending time with my kids is awesome, but getting some time away from them makes me miss them and realize just how important they are to me and how important that time I have with them is. I get a break, earn a little extra spending money, and relax for a while. My kids go crazy at their grandmothers and get a break from mommy. All in all, we get along better with these break times. My time at Trendway was awesome, but 9 hours a day away from my kids for 6 weeks almost killed me. This will be much less and will be flexible around my family so everyone wins! Hooray! Anyway, it is so late. I have been to the swimming pool, an interview, the store, and have worked outside in the yard for several hours while playing with children today. I have been staying up to 11:30 every night to unpack and clean and I think that I am to the point now where exhaustion is about to take over. Love you all! Come visit! We now have room for you! A

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