How do you overcome profound despair? When you loose something so close to you that it actually takes a physical part of you with it when it leaves? I do not know. This is a question that I continue to ask myself daily two weeks after I entered into such a state. My tiny little baby, only a short time into life inside of me suddenly ceased to exist. The tiny heart that had developed from atoms to small for the naked eye to see suddenly ceased to beat. The image that I saw on the ultrasound, while beautiful and precious, suddenly ceased to live. The cause? Unknown. A blood clot between placenta and wall is thought to be the killer of my precious little life. To make matters worse, I was to undergo a procedure that would remove my little one from me. I gave birth, in a way, to a baby that I never got to hold and never got to meet. When you are expecting, planning, rejoicing, and loving something and then find out that it is not going to be, your heart breaks. You feel as if you will die of the hurt that is now slowly building up inside you until it cascades out of you in torrents of tears, blood, and emotion. It should kill you but you continue to live. But unlike a bullet, there is no easy fix for the pain. A bullet can be removed, the hole repaired, and medication given to ease the pain. Time, they say, heals all things, but I am still waiting to see how much time it takes to heal my pain, fill my emptyness, and stem the tide of tears. Two weeks is a very short time and while I look forward to the time when I might be able to again feel that tiny life growing inside me, my heart still yearns for the one I lost. Is it wrong to look ahead to another new life when I still grieve and yearn for the one I lost or is this just another step in healing? Time will tell.